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Wednesday 2 May 2012

A monthly catch up- Where we consider whether or not to expand and the potentiality of Hawaiian shirts

Hi All,
Well the end of April is upon us and that means once again it is time for a monthly round up of Hale & Fun. It has been quite the exciting month for us here, particularly with a number of guest bloggers adding their opinions, experiences and stories about education, being a senior citizen and the never ending joy of discovery that comes from continual learning thoughout life.

Beyond that, it has been quite the month in terms of aged care with the Federal Government's $3.7 billion aged care reform package. Most within the industry are very much for some of the reforms ( being put in place, particularly in terms of dementia sufferers and their families. Particularly, since recently it has been suggested that it is in this key area that Australian Aged care is most lacking (

One thing that was lacking from all the debates, conversations and reforms however, and oh I dont know, because I run an education orientated business I may be a little biased, was the lack of work done on implementing preventative measures. Study after study is coming to light that suggest keeping cognitively active (Like say organising for courses at your local retirement home or community centre from the high diverse and reasonably priced syllabus at can assist in preventing cognitive decline and this really needs to be considered when one is discussing the future of aged care in Australia.

But enough of thinly veiled sales pitch, what is going on with Hale & Fun and what does it all have to do with Hawaiian shirts? Well as some of my regular readers and subscribers to our newsletter (For those who are not members of this incredibly cool group- contact me at to join!), one of the major business aims for 2012 was to expand our business focus with a move towards teaching/tutoring at the high school level. I really liked the idea of the Carrot and the Stick program, combining lessons on things that high school kids would want to learn - such as the history of computer games, graphic novels appreciation etc as a reward for completing tutoring programs in maths, science etc and I still think that it is a viable model. Unfortunately, the market research suggests otherwise (yes, I know- cant they see the genius of this plan?), this combined with the manpower required and need for diverting resources from the developing Hale &  Fun retirement homes and aged care focus has meant that we will be putting the plans for expansion on the back burner for the time being. Sad but true, but better to delay the launch date by a few months and do it properly than go at it half cocked resulting in a lesser quality product.

The Hawaiian shirts were another sad moment for me in terms of market research. You see I really like Hawaiian shirts, I like the bright colours, the chilled bohemian feel that comes with them, the fact that Hawkeye used to wear them on MASH. This lead me to thinking, now wouldnt that be a cool and different "branding" opportunity for Hale & Fun (yes I have been listening to business podcasts again so there will be alot more terms like branding thrown in). So I was blue skying (no really that is a term used in business, I kid you not) trying to get a really good idea shower happening when I thought wouldnt it be good if the facilitators wore Hawaiian shirts, sort of saying hey look learning is fun, exciting and yet strangely chilled. A real "sitting on the dock" type of experience. Thankfully, after numerous mistakes when starting Hale & Fun, I have learnt enough to know that no matter how much an idea seems like genius to you it may very not be to ...well, so far anyone else in the world.

Never underestimate the importance of good market research! It is worth its weight in gold. Two potentially crippling business decisions averted thanks to simply asking my clients and the facilitators what they thought. But hey on the upside, as part of said market research I was able to purchase a whole heap of Hawaiian while I may still have to wear a suit and tie to the meetings and my heart it is all beach boys all the time...

"Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I wanna take ya

Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego,
baby why don't we go,

Oh you may also be wonder what was happening with all the research I was planning this month on research and theories on teaching the mature learner. Well, there have already been quite a few postings this month (with guest bloggers for example) and I have already rambled on for quite some time, by now even the most dedicated reader has been wondering if it wasnt easier just to get the summary on twitter or facebook so I figured I will save that for later in the month.
Till next time.
P.S. my friends and I won the costume competition at our local Movie threatre for the premiere of Avengers..This has nothing to do with Hale & Fun (although it might explain why I thought Hawaiian shirts were a good idea!) but I am so proud of this fact (which may explain me being single) that I have to tell everyone.

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